Thursday, May 27, 2010

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Taylors room progress

Well the drywall is 60% done, but as usually I can't finish it as quickly as I would like. Trust me as much as you think your kids can hold up an 8ft sheet drywall for just 10 seconds while you screw it in... they can't. We had to take a break before the room remodel cost me 1000's of dollars in future therapy sessions. Not to mention all the new and colorful words me children learned ...oooops.

Here is where is stands. Not done. but still a huge improvement.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Building while exhausted

Took a break today from the major renovations to build a book case.  It was a complete comedy of errors as usual.  ***Hint***  never take on major projects after working the night shift the night before!  I had to keep cutting the boards to make them even; Measure once... cut 3478 times! Somehow I got it done and all in all succeeded. It is large, sturdy, has character and most importantly it actually holds books.  :)  Of course it still needs trim and stain but thats another story.

Before :

Izion tried to help and when he sensed I couldn't take anymore 'help' he got busy working on a bird house.

OK so i didn't really let him use this saw... were you worried??  Come on he's only 4. I think a kid should be at least 5 before they start using power tools.

Final...3/4 of the way done product:

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I.m on a mission to finish the drywall in Taylor's room today. She is at a sleepover and I would like to suprise her. Not to mention she is sleeping in my bed while her room is torn apart so I am pretty motivated!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Let the renovations begin!

O.k. they have already begun. In fact I am already in over my head, but that's half the fun isn't it? I'll catch you up to date. I am a single mom of three. I just bought my first house two months ago and eventhough it is in great shape, I have 1001 projects planned. Several of them I have already started... none of them are finished yet. The people that say finish one before you start the next are wimps. My philosophy is that if you have a few going at the same time you are going to get so frustrated that you will keep your butt movin. Philosophies like that are the reason this should be a pretty funny debacle. Follow along with me, have a laugh at my expense but whatever you do ...Do not try this in your home!