Sunday, May 23, 2010

Building while exhausted

Took a break today from the major renovations to build a book case.  It was a complete comedy of errors as usual.  ***Hint***  never take on major projects after working the night shift the night before!  I had to keep cutting the boards to make them even; Measure once... cut 3478 times! Somehow I got it done and all in all succeeded. It is large, sturdy, has character and most importantly it actually holds books.  :)  Of course it still needs trim and stain but thats another story.

Before :

Izion tried to help and when he sensed I couldn't take anymore 'help' he got busy working on a bird house.

OK so i didn't really let him use this saw... were you worried??  Come on he's only 4. I think a kid should be at least 5 before they start using power tools.

Final...3/4 of the way done product:

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