Thursday, July 8, 2010

Maintenance, maintenance, maintenance keeps the ferocious beast away.

I love building and fixing and working with my hands around the house..... however when it comes to maintenance I wish a knight in a shining tool belt would just come in and do it all for me.  Since that hasn't happened maintenance has taken a back seat and now a few projects have turned into pseudo-emergancies. 

Last night I came home and the back screen door was wide open. As we walked towards it a very scary, furry monster of unknown type greeted us and sent us screaming like little girls for the car, I tried the front door but the inside door, which has had a broken knob since I moved in, finally broke all the way off.  Scared of all our screaming, the animal ran into the cellar so I trapped it in. The whole situation would have never happened if the back screen door wasn't broke.  My father-in-law has replaced the spring once but the kids broke it again within a day. So I am going to have to come up with a new solution.  Luckily this morning we found out the the ferocious beast was only a big fluffy cat, but I am still left with two doors to fix.

The next maintenance emergency is that my house phone is not working.  For some reason I have not had power in my cellar since my dryer was installed and unfortunately the cable/phone modem is plugged in down there.  I know that this has been a problem for a while but I have been hoping that it would spontaneously repair itself. ( I do that for most my maintenance/repair problems)  Then this weekend I jumped into a pool with my cell phone and killed it.  Without the money to get a new cell, I have no choice but to figure out the power problem so I can at least have a house phone.
My grandfather was the king of maintenance he would have never let these problems go on so long.  I guess I need to remember to think WWPD (What would Pepere' do?) next time I see a maintenance problem and look the other way.
While I am doing all these other dreadful maintenance tasks I might as well do the worst one of them all and clean out the gutters.....For you Pepere' :') 

1 comment:

  1. awwww kittttttyyyy :) how does lily like her so far? :P

    did you do the thing with the rice for your phone?

    i can look into the house phone thing if you like whenever i come over :)
