Friday, June 25, 2010

Painting tips

I have been working on repainting my daughters room and will be unveiling it slowly over the next few weeks.  But right now I wanted to talk about a great brush I found.

You know that as a single mom I have to do my projects as cheaply as possible.  I get the cheap rollers but there are a few place you can't skimp like with the paint and a good cut-in brush.

I have tried every possible trick to get a nice clean edge around the trim but nothing can beat going slow and cutting in with a good brush.  I have been so lucky that with this project I have my mother-in-law helping me and she introduced me to this brush.  It is great because the handle is soft and flexible and since I tend to tense up when concentrating this brush saves my hand. They also clean up so easily.  Of course I spent way to much at Home Depot.  I am going to buy some extras on to keep on hand you should too.  It will save you time and help me buy paint so I can start the boys room.

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