Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Garden Guilt

My neighbor cut me head or lettuce out of his garden today.  It was great but it does give me some garden guilt. It is not enough pressure that my yard has to look good but it has to be fruitful too. Well I did plant a tomato plant.  I also had three strawberries on our 1 strawberry plant but they sat on the ground and got moldy.  I inherited a rhubarb plant with the house but I had to cut it back because it was limp. I also bought a blueberry bush but I am told that it won't produce because I only have one.  The neighbor told me he has some bushes so I wonder if mine is close enough to pollinate with his???  So alright I don't  have lettuce but I am not doing too bad for myself considering this is my first year with a yard.

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